Barely, forcibly, frequently, very seldom, the hard way… Sometimes you need a short and simple way of expressing a certain way of doing things. Spanish language has lots of phrases and idioms of this kind, some of which may not be easily understood by a foreigner. Here are some of the most commonly used:
A ciegas
. Blindly.Él creyó a ciegas todo lo que ella dijo
, he blindly believed all she said.Tengo una cita a ciegas este fin de semana
, I have a blind date this weekend.A duras penas
. Hardly, barely, with great difficulty.Estoy tan cansado que a duras penas puedo moverme
, I’m so tired I can hardly move.A ojo
. At a rough guess.Así, a ojo, yo diría que había unas doscientas personas
, at a rough guess I’d say there were about two hundred people.De mala gana
/a regañadientes
/a regaña dientes
. Reluctantly, grudgingly.De mala gana me mostró su tatuaje
, he/she reluctantly showed me his tattoo.El Presidente admitió sólo a regañadientes haber mentido
, the President only grudgingly admitted that he had lied.-
De repente
. All of a sudden.Desapareció de repente
, he/she suddenly disappeared. Note: in Venezuela and Uruguayde repente
can also informally mean “possibly”. De golpe
. Suddenly, in one go.Perdí todo el dinero de golpe
, I lost all the money in one go.Por si acaso
. Just in case.Llévate el paraguas, por si acaso
, take the umbrella, just in case. More colloquially, you could saypor si las moscas
, which, yes, literally means “in case of flies”.Como si nada
/como si tal cosa
. As if it weren’t important, or as if nothing had happened, impassive.Le dijeron que su país estaba siendo atacado, y él continuó como si tal cosa
, they told him that his country was under attack, and he went on as if nothing had happened.Sin querer
. Unintentionally, by accident.Lo siento muchísimo, fue sin querer
, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean it.A mi manera
. My way.¡Siempre tenemos que hacerlo todo a tu manera!
, we have to do everything your way all the time!A fuerza de
+[verb/noun]. By doing it insistently, or by using it abundantly, by dint of.A fuerza de insistir, acabé por convencerla
, by dint of insistence, I ended up convincing her. Hey, look, bonus idiom here:acabar por
+[infinitive] oracabar
+[present participle] means “to end up”. So, in the sentence above,acabé por convencerla
can be replaced byacabé convenciéndola