You traveled to Spain for the holidays. You are at a Spanish Restaurant, trying to remember what is the Spanish word for “salt-cured ham”, but you can hardly remember even how to say “fork”. Too bad, Spanish cuisine is world renowned and you end up ordering “meat and potatoes” 🙁
Never again! Here you have all the Spanish food vocabulary your stomach will ever need, dished out in digestible chunks!
I’m using here the following color codes:
- blue background = basic (most frequent) words; gray background = less frequent words.
- red letters = mostly Latin American variant; green letters = mostly Spaniard variant (not strictly, but merely orientative).
Fruit (fruta)
orange | naranja |
lemon | el limón |
apple | manzana |
pear | pera |
banana | banana, plátano |
coconut | coco |
pineapple | el ananá, el ananás, la piña |
watermelon | sandía |
melon | la patilla, el melón |
grape | uva |
plum | ciruela |
peach | el durazno, el melocotón |
strawberry | frutilla, fresa |
blackberry | mora |
raspberry | frambuesa |
blueberry | arándano azul, arándano |
cranberry | arándano rojo |
prune, dried plum | ciruela pasa |
raisin, dried grape | pasa, uva pasa |
fig | higo |
mandarin | mandarina |
lime | lima(*) |
grapefruit | pomelo, toronja |
kiwifruit | el kiwi |
apricot | el albaricoque |
cherry | cereza |
quince | membrillo |
cherimoya | chirimoya |
persimmon | el caqui |
mango | mango |
papaya | papaya |
passion fruit | el maracuyá |
* In some countries, such as Mexico, “lime” is translated as limón
, and “lemon” as lima
Vegetables (verdura)
lettuce | lechuga |
tomato | el tomate |
pepper | pimiento |
potato | patata |
onion | cebolla |
garlic | ajo |
carrot | zanahoria |
legume | la legumbre |
pea | arveja, el guisante |
bean | poroto, el frijol, habichuela, judía… |
lentil | lenteja |
chickpea | garbanzo |
avocado | palta, el aguacate |
eggplant, aubergine | berenjena |
cucumber | pepino |
asparagus | espárrago |
spinach | espinaca |
(edible) mushroom | seta (comestible), el champiñón |
common mushroom, button mushroom |
champiñón común, champiñón |
french fries | patatas fritas |
mashed potatoes | el puré de patatas/papas |
soybean | grano/semilla de soja/soya |
olive | aceituna |
cabbage | col, repollo |
cauliflower | la coliflor |
squash, marrow | calabaza |
zucchini, courgette | el calabacín |
turnip | nabo |
carob | algarroba |
radish | rábano |
leek | puerro |
celery | apio |
beet | remolacha |
sweet potato | batata, boniato |
brussels sprout | la col de Bruselas |
collard greens | berza |
endive | endivia, escarola |
kale | col rizada, col verde |
artichoke | el alcaucil, alcachofa |
broccoli | el brócoli, el brécol |
ginger | el jengibre |
Nuts and cereals (frutos secos* y cereales)
peanut | el maní, el cacahuate, |
walnut | la nuez |
chestnut | castaña |
hazelnut | avellana |
almond | almendra |
wheat | trigo |
rice | el arroz |
maize, corn | el maíz |
oats | avena |
bread | el pan |
pasta | pasta |
noodle | fideo |
whole-grain bread | pan integral |
bread crumbs | pan rallado |
cashew | el marañón, anacardo |
pistachio | pistacho |
pine nut | el piñón |
barley | cebada |
rye | centeno |
corn flakes | hojuelas/copos de maíz |
popcorn | el pororó, rosetas/palomitas de maíz |
rolled oats | avena arrollada, copos de avena |
puffed rice | arroz inflado |
flour | harina |
macaroni noodle | el macarrón |
spaghetti | el espagueti |
lasagne | lasaña |
* The Spanish term fruto seco
sometimes includes also dried fruits, such as prunes, raisins, etc.
Dairy and eggs (lácteos y huevos)
milk | la leche |
butter | mantequilla |
cheese | queso |
yogurt | el yogur |
egg | huevo |
omelette | tortilla (francesa) |
scrambled eggs | huevos revueltos, revuelto de huevo |
skimmed milk | leche desnatada/descremada |
semi skimmed milk | leche semidesnatada/semidescremada |
whole milk | leche entera |
dairy cow | vaca lechera |
cheese slices | queso en lonchas |
egg white | clara de huevo |
egg yolk | yema de huevo |
Oil and fats (aceite y grasas)
olive oil | el aceite de oliva |
sunflower oil | aceite de girasol |
soybean oil | aceite de soja |
vegetable oil | aceite vegetal |
peanut butter | mantequilla de cacahuete/maní |
margarine | margarina |
tallow | sebo |
lard | manteca de cerdo |
Fish and meat (pescado y carne)
meat | la carne |
steak | el filete |
chop | chuleta |
pork | chancho, cerdo |
ham | el jamón |
beef | carne de vacuno |
lamb | cordero |
veal | ternera |
chicken | pollo |
turkey | pavo |
sausage | salchicha |
meatball | albóndiga |
hamburger | hamburguesa |
breast | pechuga |
liver | hígado |
shellfish | marisco |
oyster | ostras |
clams | almejas |
shrimp, prawn | gamba, langostino |
crab | cangrejo |
swordfish | el pez espada |
tuna | el atún |
herring | el arenque |
cod | bacalao |
anchovy | anchoa |
sardine | sardina |
mackerel | macarela, caballa |
salmon | el salmón |
trout | trucha |
duck | pato |
rabbit | conejo |
hare | la liebre |
poultry | carne de ave |
venison | carne de venado |
fish farm | piscifactoría |
whitefish | pescado blanco |
oily fish | pescado azul, pescado graso |
cold cut | el fiambre |
meatloaf | el pastel de carne |
roast beef | el rosbif |
fish sticks, fish fingers | palitos de pescado |
dry-cured Spanish ham | el jamón serrano |
clawed lobster | el bogavante, el lubigante, cigala… |
spiny lobster | langosta |
hake | merluza |
eel | anguila |
turbot | rodaballo |
Condiments (condimentos)
to season | sazonar, condimentar |
sauce | salsa |
spice | especia |
mayonnaise | mayonesa, mahonesa |
mustard | mostaza |
ketchup | el kétchup, cátsup, cátchup |
salt | la sal |
pepper | pimienta |
cinnamon | canela |
oregano | orégano |
mint | mastranto, menta |
anis, asiseed | el anís |
paprika | el pimentón |
bay leaf, laurel | el laurel |
spearmint | hierbabuena |
sesame | sésamo, el ajonjolí |
clove | clavo |
cumin | comino |
nutmeg | la nuez moscada |
basil | albahaca |
Sweets and sweeteners (dulces y endulzantes/edulcorantes)
sweeten | endulzar, edulcorar |
honey | la miel |
sugar | el azúcar |
confectionery | golosinas, los dulces |
cake | torta, tarta, el pastel |
pancake | el panqueque, tortita |
marmalade, jam | mermelada |
ring-shaped doughnut | rosquilla |
cookie | galleta |
ice cream | helado |
chocolate | el chocolate |
bonbon, chocolate candy | el bombón |
caramel | caramelo |
candy | caramelo |
chewing gum | el chicle, goma de mascar |
brown sugar | azúcar moreno |
saccharin | sacarina |
syrup | el sirope |
viennoiserie | facturas, bollería |
waffle | el waffle(pronounced /waf-leh/), el gofre |
cocoa powder | cacao en polvo |
marzipan | el mazapán |
lollipop | piruleta (flat candy), |
liquorice | caramelo de regaliz, el regaliz |
Bebida (drink, beverage)
coffee | el café |
tea | el té (*) |
juice | jugo, zumo |
milkshake | batida, batido |
wine | vino |
beer | cerveza |
mineral water | agua mineral |
soy milk | leche de soja |
infusion | la infusión |
chamomile | manzanilla, camomila |
carbonated beverage, soft drink |
gaseosa, refresco |
white wine | vino blanco |
red wine | vino tinto |
ice cube | cubito de hielo |
* Note that the accent mark distinguishes the noun té
from the pronoun te
kitchen | cocina |
cooking, cookery | cocina |
to cook | cocinar |
to boil | cocer |
barbecue | barbacoa |
grilled, barbecued | a la parrilla, a la brasa |
griddled, pan grilled | a la plancha |
to fry | freír |
fried | frito |
oven | horno |
bake | hornear |
to peel | pelar, mondar |
cooking pot | cazuela, cacerola, olla |
frying pan | la sartén |
to dice | cortar en dados/tacos |
spoonful | cucharada |
tablespoonful | cucharada sopera |
pressure cooker | olla a presión, olla express |
microwave oven | horno (de) microondas |
to simmer | cocer a fuego lento |
to poach | escalfar |
steam | cocer al vapor |
to smoke (meat, fish…) | ahumar |
roast | asar |
broil | asar |
cure | curar |
garnish | la guarnición |
stuffed | relleno |
ferment | fermentar |
General food related words
eat | comer |
drink | beber |
food | alimento, comida |
meal | comida |
breakfast | desayuno |
to have (for) breakfast | desayunar |
lunch | almuerzo |
to lunch | almorzar |
tea time, afternoon snack | merienda |
to have (for) merienda | merendar |
supper | cena |
to have (for) supper | cenar |
dessert | el postre |
snack | aperitivo |
to toast | tostar |
toast | tostada |
soup | sopa |
spoon | cuchara |
teaspoon | cucharilla |
fork | tenedor |
knife | cuchillo |
plate | plato |
dish | plato |
course (of a meal) | plato |
napkin | servilleta |
salty | salado |
sweet | dulce |
bitter | amargo |
edible | comestible |
recipe | receta |
cutlery | cubertería |
kitchen knife | cuchillo de cocina |
serrated knife | cuchillo de sierra |
sour | ácido, agrio (milk, etc.) |
nutritious | nutritivo |
tasteless | insípido |